
  • Tom Beckbe Field Journal: The Gift
    To type with one hand; that is his only request. The other hand is for him, his head on my lap, my hand on his head. Those are the terms. I give him that and think of another while he sleeps. Happiness is having two hands so that one may rest on a …
  • Garden & Gun: Good Dog
    Honored to have my old dog’s story featured in Garden & Gun Magazine. To read it on G&G’s website, click the link below, “A Marine’s Homage to a Swampy, Popcorn-Loving Lab,” and you can read about what a great dog Ole’ Dude was. Sure do miss him.
  • Tom Beckbe Field Journal: “The Herald”
    In late February, the Northwoods are cloaked in snowy silence. A patchwork of white lies over the forests, cedar boughs and pine needles protruding like shoddy stitch-work from the heavy quilt of winter. Daggers of ice hang from the occasional red oak or maple, threatening the soil against Spring’s usurpation. Tree limbs, deprived of sap …
  • Backcountry Journal: “All the Right Words”
    Wind howled through the canyon like a locomotive, snapping fire-blackened aspens and leaving a graveyard of widow-makers and deadfall in its wake. When we set camp, I had been excited to use my new tipi tent – the kind with the three-hands-required-for-assembly wood stove. Now I was going to die in this tent. …
  • Tom Beckbe Field Journal: “Dispatch from the Field: Hounds”
    We lived a feral existence, surrounded by wilderness, in a place that no longer exists, and a time that will never be again. I saw my first bear track there, and slept fitfully beneath the branches of a long-leafed pine where turkeys roosted, depending on their lofty awareness to alert my brother and …

Jake Forrest Lunsford‘s writing interests include war, culture, the environment, hunting and fishing, and the preservation of our Great Experiment. His work has appeared in Garden & Gun Magazine, The Providence Journal, Backcountry Journal, and Tom Beckbe Field Journal, with more to come.

He can be reached at the contact form below, or at

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